Directory of Optometrists |
A Doctor of Optometry specializes in examination and diagnosis of eye disorders, including the prescription of glasses and contact lenses and vision training exercises. | |
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Optometrists also treat many eye diseases not requiring surgery. Optometrists spend four years in a school of optometry. After obtaining an O.D. degree, some spend an additional year or more in further study of eye disease. |
We are currently building our database of eye care specialists. If you know of Optometrists that have given you outstanding care we would appreciate your acknowledgement of that level of service by a recommendation to EyeSearch. Thank you.
Click on the Region Links Below for Optometrists in the United States of America |
Alaska & Hawaii |
Rocky Mountain Colorado Idaho Montana Nevada Utah Wyoming |
Midwest Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota Ohio Wisconsin |
New England Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont |
West Coast California Oregon Washington |
Southwest Arizona New Mexico Oklahoma Texas |
Alabama Arkansas Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana |
Mississippi North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Virginia West Virginia | |
Mid Atlantic Delaware Maryland New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Washington D.C. | |

Click Here for Optometrists Outside the USA
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