
Contact Lens Solutions |
The care and cleaning of contact lenses is very important to the comfort and health of your eyes. |
Purchase Your Contacts HERE | |
Always wash your hands before handling your contact lenses. |
The cleaner you keep your lenses the longer they will last. |
Clean lenses are more comfortable and lower the risk of infection. |
You should not use tap water with any type of soft contact lenses. |
Here are some General Guidelines to follow categorized by contact lens type. |
Soft Daily Wear Contacts Extended Wear Contacts Disposable Soft Contacts Planned Replacement Contacts Rigid Gas Permeable Contacts Info You Should Know
Soft Daily Wear Contacts
Surface Cleaner - requires rubbing the lens with clean fingers to remove surface deposits. -
Disinfection - a crucial step, usually requires soaking the lenses overnight in a chemical such as hydrogen peroxide. This step prevents organisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi from growing. -
Rinsing after disinfection - most chemical disinfectants like hydrogen peroxide hurt if they come in contact with the eye, therefore it is important to follow the manufacturer's instruction on soaking time and make sure you rinse your lenses well before insertion. -
Enzymatic Cleaner - This is the best way to remove protein from soft contacts and is usually done once a week. The enzyme tablet is added to your nightly disinfecting solution. This step will greatly increase the longevity of your contacts. -
Steps 1,2&3 should be done every night, step 4 added once a week. |
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Extended Wear Contacts
Typically extended wear or overnight wear contact lenses should be taken out once a week and cleaned and disinfected. -
Follow steps 1-4 under Daily Wear once a week. - TIPS
Enzymatic tablets are very important to use if you do not want to replace your lenses frequently.
Extended wear contact wearers should go without their lenses overnight at least one time a week. Not everyone is a candidate for overnight wear - there are many people who wear extended wear lenses as daily wear. |
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Disposable Soft Contacts
If you sleep in your disposable lenses then all you need is saline solution, or a multi-purpose solution. Follow the instructions on when to discard your lenses, daily or weekly. -
If you do not sleep in your disposables then soak in a multi-purpose solution overnight and throw away the lenses in 2 weeks unless instructed otherwise. |
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Planned Replacement Contacts
- These lenses last 1-3 months depending on care and cleaning regimen.
- If you sleep in Planned Replacement , disinfect and use enzymatic tablet once a week.
- If you wear planned replacement as daily wear, use a multi-purpose solution overnight and enzyme once a week.
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Rigid Gas Permeable Contacts
- Look for cleaning, wetting and soaking solutions for Gas Permeable Contacts.
- Surface Cleaner - requires rubbing the lens with clean fingers to remove surface deposits.
- Rinse with tap water
- Store in wetting and soaking solution overnight.
- Use enzymatic tablet once a week.
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Info You Should Know Lubricating or moisture drops are helpful if you sleep in your contacts, or your job requires a lot of close visual work. These eyedrops can be used with your contact lenses in your eyes. Look for brands that indicate they can be used with contact lenses. Multi-purpose solutions are a 3 in 1 solution - cleaning, rinsing and disinfecting all in one. These are ideal for use with disposable contacts or planned replacement contacts. They can also be used with soft daily and extended wear, but you will probably have to replace your lenses more often. Chemical disinfecting is best to use with soft lenses that are not going to be replaced frequently. There are many different types on the market. Consult your eye care professional for the brand that is best for the type of soft contact lens you wear. It is best not to mix and match contact lens solutions, especially when chemical disinfection is required. If you see a brand you would like to try, call your doctor's office or talk with a contact lens technician or optician and find out how you should switch. Many contact lens wearers can have an allergic reaction to some of the preservatives and chemicals used in the solutions. If you have any symptoms like itching, burning or redness you should discontinue use and contact your doctor's office. Many companies have preservative free solutions for those with sensitive eyes. Back to Top
     © 1998 Destiny Inc. [email protected] |