Directory of Retinal Specialists-West Coast-USA |
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California Click on First Letter of Your City A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Napa |
Richard A. Beller, M.D. |
(707) 252-2020 |
Sacramento |
Robert T. Wendel, M.D. |
(800) 924-2298 |
My husband had a scleral buckle that was extruding its way out of his left eye. Dr. Wendel prepared my husband for the probability that he would lose the vision in that eye due to its deteriorated condition. There was scar tissue, infection, and a very beaten up sclera. Dr. Wendel removed the old buckle, cleaned out the infection (got a lot of "floaters" as well), and was able to scrounge up enough sclera to put in another buckle, and injected a long-term gas bubble. Dr. Wendel is one of the pioneers of these proceedures, and is highly respected in his field. Immediately after surgery, my husband was able to tell he could still see. Since the gas bubble has not yet totally dissipated, we do not yet know how much vision he has retained, but the fact he has ANY vision is amazing. It would seem that he has close to, if not as much as, what vision he had before the surgery. We are quite pleased with Dr. Wendel and the results he was able to achieve for my husband. |
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Oregon Click on First Letter of Your City A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |

Washington Click on First Letter of Your City A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Spokane |
Jerry E. LeClaire , MD |
(509) 456-8121 |
Spokane |
Larry L. Milsow , MD |
(509) 747-3131 | |

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