Directory of Retinal Specialists-Southwest-USA |
We are currently building our database of eye care specialists. If you know of Retinal Specialists that have given you outstanding care we would appreciate your acknowledgement of that level of service by a Recommendation to EyeSearch. If you use a Doctor from our Directory, please let them know you found them on EyeSearch. Thank you.
Normal Type in our Directory signifies either: |
1. A Specialist from a Professional Organization that EyeSearch has relayed to a Viewer because of an Inquiry or |
2. A Recommendation by an EyeSearch Viewer. | |
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Arizona Click on First Letter of Your City A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Paradise Valley |
Thomas F Minas , MD |
(602) 264-5946 |
Phoenix |
Daniel A Adelberg , MD |
(877) 464-1700 |
Phoenix |
J Shepard Bryan III , MD |
(602) 242-4928 |
Phoenix |
Pravin U Dugel , MD |
(602) 222-2221 |
Phoenix |
Alvin G Folk , MD |
(602) 995-8848 |
Phoenix |
Alan Jay Gordon , MD |
(602) 242-4928 |
Phoenix |
Brian K Horsman , MD |
(602) 955-1000 |
Phoenix |
Clive H Sell , MD |
(602) 242-4928 |
Phoenix |
Stanley R Shorb , MD |
(602) 263-9345 |
Phoenix |
Jack O Sipperley , MD |
(602) 222-2221 |
Phoenix |
Scott R Sneed , MD |
(602) 222-2221 |
Phoenix |
Allen B Thach , MD |
(602) 222-2221 | |

New Mexico Click on First Letter of Your City A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |

Oklahoma Click on First Letter of Your City A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |

Texas Click on First Letter of Your City A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Houston |
Dr. H. Michael Lambert |
(713) 799-9975 |
| |

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