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Comprehensive Ophthalmologists-West Coast-USA |
We are currently building our database of eye care specialists. If you know of Comprehensive Ophthalmologists that have given you outstanding care we would appreciate your acknowledgement of that level of service by a Recommendation to EyeSearch. If you use a Doctor from our Directory, please let them know you found them on EyeSearch. Thank you.
Normal Type in our Directory signifies either: |
1. A Specialist from a Professional Organization that EyeSearch has relayed to a Viewer because of an Inquiry or |
2. A Recommendation by an EyeSearch Viewer. | |
Eye Specialists - Our Viewers are asking for You! Join our Referral Directory Today. | Select Your State: |
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California Click on First Letter of Your City A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Oxnard |
Steven D. Chang, MD |
805-983-0700 |
Oxnard |
Lee Wan, MD |
805-983-0700 |
"Dr. Wan's professionalism and personality is what makes him the best Ophthalmologist. He has been listed in "The Best Doctors in America", a publication based on exhaustive surveys of over 35,000 physicians throughout the USA. " |
Pomona |
Dr. Dennis A. Chuck |
909-622-1188 |
Roseville |
Stephen S. Wilmarth, M.D. |
Wilmarth Eye and Laser Center 1830 Sierra Gardens Drive, #100 Roseville, CA 95661 |
www.wilmartheye.com |
Fax: 916-781-8071 |
Announcing the opening of our new Laser Vision Correction Center! |
Sacramento |
Dr. Ivan R. Schwab |
916-734-6602 |
San Francisco |
Dr. Daniel Goodman |
415-392-1392 |
Santa Maria |
Dr. Dennis Shepard |
805-925-2637 |
Santa Monica |
Dr. Kenneth Hoffer |
310-451-2020 |
Santa Monica |
Dr. Howard Krauss |
310-453-3535 |
Travis Air Force Base |
Dr. Julio Narvaez |
707-423-7165 |
| |

Oregon Click on First Letter of Your City A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |

Washington Click on First Letter of Your City A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Richard W. Lomas, M.D. |
Lomas Eye Care Center 17800 Talbot Road South Renton, Washington 98055 |
Phone: 800.325.7483 |
Fax: 425.271.5703 | |
www.lomaseye.com |
A Full Service Ophthalmology Clinic Specializing in LASIK. | |
Ted M. Zollman M.D. |
 1600 East Jefferson, Suite 202 Seattle, Washington 98122
Appointments: |

206.320.5686 |
Fax: 206.320.8145 | |
Cataract and Oculoplastic Surgery Comprehensive Eye Care |
Seattle |
Dr. Richard Bensinger |
206-292-6427 |
Seattle |
Dr. James Lombardo |
206-528-6000 | |

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